Itawamba Community College Offers High Value Education


With its annual tuition of $2,200, Itawamba Community College, located in Fulton, MS. is the lowest among Mississippi’s 15 independently governed two-year institutions.

According to the Associated Press, average student tuition statewide for community colleges will rise to $2,377 annually, up from $2,241 in the 2012-13 school year based on figures from the Mississippi Community College Board.

Over the past few years, ICC has made extra sacrifices such as increasing class loads and adjusting scheduling, delaying maintenance and cutting travel to prevent raising tuition and fees.

“ICC has always been sensitive to our students in the areas of tuition and fee increases,” said President Mike Eaton. “Unfortunately it becomes a necessary avenue when state funding is not adequate.”

Students in 11 of the 15 community colleges will pay more this fall for tuition. “While the majority of community and junior colleges found it necessary to increase tuition, we are pleased that ICC continues to be the lowest in the state,” Eaton said.

A majority of the state’s community college students pay less than full price through a combination of scholarships and financial aid, according to the Associated Press.

Mississippi community colleges continue to serve more students than the state’s eight public universities.