Documentary: The Coal Shoot
The Coal Shoot is a documentary that focuses around Quitman County and the Delta in Mississippi. The documentary was filmed in 2010 by journalism students from the University of Mississippi. The documentary was also produced and directed by Mykki Newton, a videographer/editor at the Meek School of Journalism and New Media at Ole Miss.
The documentary was part of a journalism school project that was called The Delta Project. The Delta Project took place during Spring Break in 2010. Each student that was involved in the project was given a section of the Delta to go and cover. The Coal Shoot centers around a community that is facing extinction and two of the Ole Miss journalism students were involved in The Delta Project helped tell the story of the community.
Newton says that it was as sad of a situation economically that she has ever seen. At the same time she says that she was really inspired by the people’s perseverance through such tough times and how they were able to keep such a positive attitude.
To watch the documentary, click below.