Oxford Band Boosters Offer Plan for Shorter Concession Lines

The Oxford High School Band drum line practices for their first football game performance on Friday night when Oxford High School Chargers take on Jackson Prep. / Photo by Oxford School District
The Oxford High School Band drum line practices for their first football game performance on Friday night when Oxford High School Chargers take on Jackson Prep / Photo by Oxford School District

Oxford High School Charger fans will experience a new way to purchase their favorite concessions during home football games this year. The Oxford Band Boosters have a new process in place guaranteed to cut down the time fans stand in concession lines.

This year, fans must first buy a food ticket before stepping up to a concession stand counter. Food ticket tables will be located next to home and visitor side concession stands, where food tickets can be purchased for $1 each. Fans can purchase food tickets upon entering the stadium and during the football game.

Game-goers will then take the ticket(s) to the concession stand window, place their order, and redeem food tickets. The change in purchasing concessions this year will speed up the time spent in the concession stand line, naturally creating a positive game day experience for all.

The new process also benefits Band Boosters. Booster members, who volunteer to work in concession stands during home football games, can serve those in line much quicker – a definite win-win situation for both the football fan and concession stand worker.

Visitor and home side concession stands open at 6 p.m. Concessions sold by the Oxford Band Boosters include drinks, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, nachos, candy, chips and popcorn and benefit the Oxford High School Band.

The Oxford Band Boosters is a parent organization that helps to support the Oxford High School Band by providing real time help and organizing fundraising events.

For more information on the Oxford Band Boosters, visit www.oxfordsd.org/BandBoosters. — Posted by Justin Taylor, senior journalism major, Meek School of Journalism and New Media