Fins Up For Chance!
Ross Bjork, Terrence Metcalf to speak at benefit for Oxford’s Chance Tetrick
On Monday, September 16th at 6:00 pm, Ole Miss Athletic Director Ross Bjork and former Rebel and NFL player Terrence Metcalf will be the featured speakers at a benefit dinner and fund raiser for 10-year old Chance Tetrick.
Chance is the young Oxford resident waging a fierce battle against leukemia. He has developed quite a close bond with the Ole Miss football team, and has even predicted a 12-0 season for the Rebs! Click here to read the story about Chance’s day at Meet the Rebels.
Clay Rodgers is the organizer of the upcoming event and attends church with the Tetrick family. “I wanted to do something to help Chance and his family, and the dinner and silent auction are a perfect way to do that,” he said. “Chance is such a huge Ole Miss fan, and I am thankful to Athletic Director Bjork and Terrence for helping us help Chance,” he added.
The event will be held at the Oxford Convention Center. Tickets are $25 per person, and include a dinner catered by Taylor Grocery and Restaurant. The silent auction will feature autographed Rebel sports memorabilia, as well as items from local shops and restaurants.
Donations still needed
“We are in need of additional items for the auction,” said Rodgers. “People may donate by contacting me, or by dropping their items off at the HottyToddy.com office located at 307 West Jackson Avenue,” he added. He suggested that gift certificates and Rebel-themed items make great donations!
Rodgers may be reached at 731-426-2764 or via e-mail at jclayrodgers@bellsouth.net.
Purchase tickets or make a contribution online – www.FinsUpForChance.com
To purchase your ticket for the event, to make a monetary contribution, or to learn more about Chance and his family, please visit the website that has been set up for Chance and the event, www.FinsUpForChance.com. All donations and proceeds from the Benefit Dinner and Silent Auction will go to the Tetrick Family.
You may also buy your tickets at the door, or contact Rodgers to make arrangements to pick up your tickets.
If you would like to make a monetary contribution, but do not want to use the online website, you may also stop by any Oxford branch of Regions Bank and make a deposit to the “Chance Tetrick Fund.”
The Ole Miss Family is strong and loving, and we hope you will reach out and help support Chance and his family. He is a true Rebel fan who is an inspiring example of faith, strength, and perseverance.
– Evelyn VanPelt, HottyToddy.com, Sports Reporter
Evelyn was born in Texas, but has strong family ties to Mississippi. Her relatives are from Hinds County, and her daughter received three degrees from Ole Miss–culminating with a PharmD in 2012. Evelyn studied English at Texas A&M University, but is an Ole Miss Rebel at heart, falling in love with the both the school and Oxford over a decade ago when her daughter began school. Evelyn has a home in Texas, but spends as much time as possible in Mississippi where her daughter still lives. She enjoys covering Ole Miss football for gridirongirl.org and HottyToddy.com. Email her at olemissevie@gmail.com