What if you, your family, friends and tent group could be a part of a “one-of-a-kind” book about The Grove?
Seph Anderson, writer for Bleacher Report and HottyToddy.com, is currently writing a comprehensive book on the hallowed grounds of Ole Miss tailgating. From the grove of the past to special tailgating stories and elaborate tent setups, this book will give Rebel fans a chance to be written in to Grove history.
“My goal is to showcase what makes the tailgating Mecca so unique and special,” Anderson said.
Anderson plans to visit a wide variety of tents during the 2013 Ole Miss football season to interview Ole Miss “Grovers,” take pictures and soak up the sighs and sounds of Rebels tailgating in the Grove.
Through Anderson’s game-day research, real live Rebel fans will have the opportunity to be a part of an one-of-a-kind book documenting people’s experiences in the Grove.
Photo provided by Seph Anderson
Anderson’s Grove book will record answers to questions such as: Does your tent group share special Grove traditions? Have you been “Groving” in the same spot for decades? Will a special event take place at your tent this fall? Are you having special visitors in town for a game? Will you be having special tent setups or food and drinks for a particular game?
Old Grove pictures, special stories, family traditions and extraordinary tents, whatever the case may be, Anderson wants to visit as many tents as possible to fully show the diversity and variety that comes together to make up the Grove.
To be a part of Anderson’s book, or have him stop by your tent this season, “like” his book page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheGroveBook and email him at thegrovebook@gmail.com.