Enter the Hotty Toddy Recipe Contest

220845_206773092688826_267213_oEnter your favorite tailgate recipe in the HottyToddy.com recipe contest

HottyToddy.com and the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council (YAC) are looking for your favorite family tailgating recipes.

Whether it’s a family favorite passed down to you from your grandmother or a Game Day dish of your very own culinary creation, our judge, Michelle Rounsaville, will be selecting a recipe each week to be featured on HottyToddy.com as part of our HottyToddy.com Recipe Contest.

And even if your entry doesn’t make the weekly highlight on the website, the best recipes will be selected for an end of the year tailgate cookbook to be published by HottyToddy.com and YAC.

Proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will benefit the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, The Powerhouse Community Arts Center and HottyToddy.com’s favorite philanthropy –– the Meek School of Journalism and New Media Scholarship Fund.

“Recipes and cooking are an art form, as our favorites often include stories or reflect our food heritage,” said Wayne Andrews, director of the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council & The Powerhouse Community Arts Center. “This recipe contest is a chance to connect with others through our shared passions; Ole Miss football and tailgating.”

The winners of the recipe contest for each of the seven home games will be selected by Michelle Rounsaville, owner of My Michelle’s catering in Oxford.

“The Grove is particularly special to me not only because I am an alumnus of the University of Mississippi, but also because it brings together two of my passions: food and Ole Miss football,” Rounsaville said.

“I have been going to the Grove since I was a little girl. My family always tailgated in the same spot. My Mom always prepared spinach and artichoke dip served in a Hawaiian Bread bowl, and my sister and I climbed the same tree every game. I am looking forward to hearing other people’s traditions and creating a new tradition through the Hotty Toddy Recipe Competition.”

Anyone wishing to enter the contest is encouraged to send photos as well as short stories that recount the origin or family legacy surrounding the entry,” Rounsaville said.

Recipes may be submitted in any category, she added, and contestants may submit multiple entries.

“Of course taste and flavor are important, but I would also like to see those recipes that tell a story or symbolize tradition,” Rounsaville said. “Lots of food showcased in the Grove have been passed down for many generations, and that’s definitely the food I would like to sample and the story I would like to hear through the food. In addition, creativity is also important. Anyone can make rotel and throw some tortillas chips out. I want to see a unique spin on tailgating food. The kind that the Grove is known for.”

To enter the contest, click on the “Send Us Your Tailgate Recipes” thumbnail on the right side of the HottyToddy.com home page or click here.