President Make Believe


In case you have been on vacation, or if you are one of those “low information” voters, here is a bulletin: your government is out of control.

Of course, that is not what President Make Believe and his lackeys would have you to believe.  Obama finds out about all his Administration’s abuses of power by reading about them in the newspaper, the same way we do.  To hear him tell it, he is just another one of those low information voters.

Anything happening on Obama’s watch?  No, that’s just Bush’s fault.  Or maybe it’s the Cincinnati office.    But certainly, not the White House’s responsibility.  To think, there are people who think that the Chief Executive has something to do with running the government.  No, Obama’s senior leadership team knows nothing, is responsible for nothing, sees nothing.

Well, actually, they see a lot, apparently, but not about the Administration’s performance.  They are fully engaged snooping on millions of Americans, journalists who might not be friendly to them, and conservatives.

Even high information voters might be forgiven for not being able to keep tabs on the mounting scandals and scandalous cover ups to hide the scandals.  There is a growing, gaping gulf between what the President and his people say, and what is actually happening.  I am not sure which side of that equation is scarier.

There’s Benghazi, where our Ambassador is still dead, our President is still AWOL, and our (former) Secretary of State is still busy laying groundwork for her “What Difference Does It Make” 2016 campaign.  Fits well on a bumper sticker, Hillary.

Add Syria as an emerging foreign policy disaster.  Syria is the country where our Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning President is lurching through indecision toward involvement in war.  How will liberals who still excoriate President Bush reconcile Dear Leftist Leader’s ill-considered “red lines,” now that they have been crossed and Obama’s blunder-bluff gives way to entanglement?

When our foreign policy has undermined our credibility and projected weakness to friend and foe alike, a situation like Syria does not respond well to self-righteous finger wagging.  Now, we are left with poor options, and probably poor outcomes.

Obama listlessness applies to domestic policy, too.  Can anyone even state Obama’s second term agenda?  There’s the IRS targeting of conservatives; the Department of Justice snooping in journalists’ emails and phone records; the National Security Agency snooping in millions of Americans’ phones, emails, and social media.  (Other than unchecked government, not a lot comes to mind.)

Coming soon: The IRS will also be snooping in millions of Americans’ health care records, led by the same Obama flack who presided over the IRS targeting of conservatives.

Obamacare may be the crowning achievement of the Government of Make Believe.  Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius pronounces edicts from on high that burden religious freedom, small business, large business, and pretty much everyone else who is not a core member of the Democrat Party base.

Even some Democrats are feeling burdened by government-controlled health care.  Congressman John Larson of Connecticut, who voted for the bill so he could find out what was in it, said this week that requiring Congress to be covered by Obamacare “is simply not fair.”

Hey John, it’s not fair for the rest of us either.  But we did not pass this policy disaster; you Make Believe Democrats did.

The U.S. Senate debates an immigration bill that appears to be the Democrats’ Dream Act (they get amnesty for millions of new voters they think will be Democrats while playing the GOP, yet again, as villains and fools simultaneously).  Gun control, climate change (i.e., massive government regulation of workable energy and subsidization of unworkable “green energy”), and other such “priorities” consume Obama’s Washington.

Remember unemployment?  With all the corrupt Obama personnel who should be unemployed, but aren’t, one might forget the real Americans who remain out of work.  The on again, off again economy sputters through the weakest recovery since the Great Depression.  Gas prices?  Keystone Pipeline?  Reforming entitlements before they bankrupt us?

No, no, none of that.  Instead, Obama professes faith in unlimited government, even as government abuses and unaccountability pile up around him.  He proclaims the War on Man-Caused Disasters (what realists would call radical Islamic terrorism) over, even as he says the government must spy on its people to keep us safe.  And so on.

In Make Believe all this makes sense.  In reality, the only thing coming Forward (to quote a creepy re-election slogan) are Administration officials, to plead the Fifth.

Cory T. Wilson is a Madison attorney with Heidelberg Steinberger Colmer & Burrow, P.A. Follow Cory on Twitter, @CoryWilsonMS, or email

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
Sports Editor