Campus Community Roundtable Set June 12th
Volunteer management and recruitment best practices is topic of Wednesday breakfast meet at Insight Park
Oxford, Mississippi – Lafayette-Oxford-University community and campus nonprofits, community organizations and partners are invited to attend the Campus-Community Roundtable on Wednesday, June 12 at Insight Park at the University of Mississippi. The event will kick-off at 8 a.m. with breakfast and coffee with roundtable discussion beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Volunteer Management and Recruitment Best Practices will be the topic of the June 12 Community-Campus Roundtable. The forum allows organizations to voice concerns, share ideas and provide valuable feedback on various topics.
Hosted on a quarterly basis by volunteer and community service partners – the University of Mississippi’s McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement, Volunteer Oxford and the University of Mississippi’s Dean of Students of Volunteer Service – is an avenue to join the University campus and Lafayette/Oxford community together to exchange information, engage in dialogue and address volunteer-related topics or community issues in an open forum. There is no cost associated with attending the Campus-Community Roundtable.
Those interested in participating are encouraged to reserve their spot by Tuesday, June 11 by contacting Volunteer Oxford at 662-236-6662 or emailing volunteer@oxfordms.net. –– Kelly Graeber, director, Volunteer Oxford
Email Kelly Graeber at volunteer@oxfordms.net