Oxford-Lafayette Humane Society employee, Megan Walker, has a passion for taking care of puppies at home and at work. After attending the University of Mississippi, Walker started working at the humane society, and for the past two years has been saving puppies’ lives. Walker welcomes in puppies to the humane society everyday as she treats them as her own, showing attention and caring for them. The love and passion Walker shows these dogs at work carries over to her life at home. Walker owns five dogs, three of the five dogs come from the Oxford-Lafayette Humane Society after she offered to shelter the dogs herself to avoid euthanization. The puppies that come in and out of the humane society touch Walker’s heart, as she still takes dogs home regularly to avoid euthanization. Walker works hard in her free time to promote the adoption of these puppies, if it was up to her, she would keep them all.
This video was filmed by John Chicoli, a student in Mikki Harris’s 375 Photojournalism class in the Meek School of Journalism and New Media at Ole Miss.