MFFC Soccer Tryouts Exceeding Expectations
Soccer tryouts for MFFC competitive league continue today and tomorrow.
When the Mississippi Flood Futbol Club scheduled tryouts for its startup, competitive soccer league this week, MFFC officials expected to field five teams at the most, based on the initial experience of a similar multi-sports facility in Meridian.
But with Monday and Tuesday tryouts complete and two more days to go (tonight and Thursday) MFFC developer Dr. Michael Perry has adjusted his estimates upward.
“I am on cloud nine right now. Even with the weather, we had 128 kids show up in the first two days,” Perry said. “And that’s not counting 20 more who had told us that they could not come the first two days.”
Perry said he now expects to double his original estimates.
“We will have ten teams, so we really exceeded our expectations,” Perry said, noting that the makeup of the teams includes kids from throughout North Mississippi.
Although the soccer component of the 73-acre private facility currently being developed south of Oxford is not expected to be ready for tournament play until August, the competitive soccer teams will begin their training on practice fields in early summer, Perry said.
Perry attributed the high turnout figures to the professional level of the coaching that has been assembled for the new multi-sports facility. “Parents and kids realize how important coaching is for kids who want to compete at this level,” Perry said, adding, “These coaches also will be available for U8 Soccer Academy, which the MFFC will be initiating this summer.”
Those parents interested in pre-registering their kids for MFFC soccer tryouts can sign up by logging on to www.msfloodfc.com. –– Michael Harrelson, editor, HottyToddy.com.
Email Michael Harrelson at michael.harrelson@hottytoddy.com.