Reader Feedback on ‘A Silent Culture’

Editor’s Note: Barbara Youngblood Bugg posted a comment on our “If You Love Oxford and Ole Miss” Facebook page that we want to share with readers. The post references Tuesday night’s LGBT rally at the federal courthouse and the coverage of the event by our reporter Tim Summers, Jr. Hotty Toddy editors originally headlined the story, “A Silent Culture”, but the news headline was later updated to “Being Gay in Oxford.” We welcome reader comment on any and all stories and features on

Barbara Youngblood Bugg

  • I tried to send Feedback from the official website, but it didn’t function properly. Here is what I wanted to say:
    I enjoyed the article by Tim Summers and posted it on the Facebook page for GetEQUAL MS. I would like to clarify a couple of points. The LGBTQ & ally community of Oxford is not silent nor invisible. It may be that the student you talked with has never actively explored the community. Oxford has the UM Pride Network, OUTLaw, Ole Miss ALLIES, and PFLAG. Oxford High School has a Gay-Straight Alliance. Our cause is openly supported by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Oxford. In all, there were 80 guests at our rally, representing 15 Mississippi organizations from around the state.
    Have you ever noticed that, as soon as you learn about something, you start to see it everywhere? Hopefully, this event has opened Mr. Summers’ and his friend’s eyes to the “gay scene” in Oxford.
    If your friend enjoys the “club scene” and wants to meet people, let him know that the Blue Magic Nightclub on Jackson has started gay nights on Tuesdays. The first drag show ever presented in Oxford will be at the Blue Magic on April 16 at 8 PM. Hope to see you there!