End of All Music Turns One

Birthday-Poster-by-Len-Clark-610x843Oxford’s vinyl record shop celebrates first birthday, at Lamar Lounge

For a few years, after the closing of Hot Dog Records and Uncle Buck’s before it, Oxford was a desert as far as music in the recorded form was concerned. You either sucked invisible mp3s through the magical tubes of the interwebs, or you bought a CD from Sam Walton. Neither elicited the urgency that got you into music in the first place.

And then a year ago the ironically named End of All Music opened on North Lamar, purveying new and use vinyl, CDs, and more. Warmth and soul were restored to the cosmos. Since then, the shop’s owners also opened Lamar Lounge, which has grown to be a favorite watering hole and nosh station, with live music as well. Fittingly, it’s the site of End of All Music’s first birthday party, this Friday, March 1, with live music by Plume, Cowboy Killers, Art, Rosenbaum, Nuh-uh, Child Star, Youth Flag, a solo set by Sean Kirkpatrick of Colour Revolt, and cuts by DJ Rolex Luthor.

The cover is $5, with some of the cash going to the bands and some of it going to Norton Records, a reissue label that lost most of its vinyl stock to super-storm Sandy. Read more about Norton here: http://www.nortonrecords.com/home.php

Len Clark designed a super-limited, screen-printed poster (pictured) to commemorate the event. They’ll be for sale at the show.

Oh, and End of All Music promise some special things going on at the record store during the day. The birthday party at Lamar Lounge jumps off around 8 p.m.