Memphis rockers filled the Lyric on February 2
By Joseph Westphal
Joseph Westphal is an alumnus of Ole Miss and lives in Oxford.
Two of my brothers introduced me to the band Lucero 13 years ago. Alan and Luke accompanied with our other brother Lee used to frequent shows in Memphis every year. After the first taste I could never get enough. Over the years I have exposed the raspy voice and intense lyrics sung by Ben Nichols to whomever would listen, and I have to tell you that all who have heard enjoyed it. My ex-girlfriends might say is the best thing they gained from our past relationships, but that’s a totally different matter.
When I learned Lucero was playing this past Saturday night at The Lyric, I had to go. I haven’t been able to see them in a couple of years so I knew this was going to be a treat. Since the last time I was able to witness a show, Lucero has implemented horns into their unique sound. I was very pleased with the addition, to say the least. Two of my favorite songs were performed Saturday evening. “Nights Like These”, and “The War” are always songs I like to hear when I am able to enjoy one of their shows. The latter is especially important to me because it reminds me of the times when my little brother Lee was serving our country in Iraq, and our youngest brother Luke and I would play “The War” on guitars while enjoying Jack Daniels on our front porch. If you have never seen Lucero, I highly recommend you attend a show when you can. Hotty Toddy, and cheers ’til next time.