Readings and music celebrate anniversary of Found Magazine
By Tad Wilkes
Many people’s trash is Davy Rothbart’s treasure.
Found Magazine creator Rothbart comes to Oxford as part of a national tour celebrating the magazine’s tenth anniversary and promoting his new collection of personal essays, My Heart is an Idiot. The event, Wednesday, December 5, at the Powerhouse Community Arts Center, features readings, live music, and drinks from Cathead Vodka. Proceeds from the show support Thacker Mountain Radio and the Yoknaptawpha Arts Council.
Found Magazine is a repository of exactly what it sounds like: love letters, birthday cards, kids’ homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, doodles—”anything that gives a glimpse into someone else’s life. Anything goes,” says the magazine’s website.
“I love this [event] because it’s a great example of how well our thriving arts community can partner to bring amazing artists to our town and set up a mutually beneficial opportunity to celebrate together,” says Kathryn McGaw, producer of Thacker Mountain Radio.
The Powerhouse Community Arts Center is located at 413 South 14th Street in Oxford.