Arts & Entertainment
Ornament Truck at Holli's Friday
Art truck at Holli’s Sweet Tooth an opportunity for kids to make ornaments
By Tad Wilkes, Nightlife & Lifestyles Editor
Art-to-Go has just booked a special Art Truck Event at Holli’s Sweet Tooth this Friday, November 16. sponsored by the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, where children can make holiday ornaments—for themselves and for others, from 4 to 6 p.m.
“Each child gets to make an ornament to keep and an ornament to donate to the [YAC Holiday Ornament Auction], which raises money for the arts council,” explains Andi Bedsworth, owner of Art-to-Go.
The event is free and geared to ages three and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult, and the session is come-and-go.
In related Art-to-Go news, the last day for registration for the Thanksgiving Art Camp is this Friday, November 16, by 4 p.m.
The YAC Holiday Ornament Auction has become an annual Oxford event and is held this year at the Powerhouse on December 6. For more information, visit the YAC site.
For more information, contact Andi Bedsworth at 662-380-1940 or