Neil White is Newest Blogger

White’s first blog details year as inmate at a federal prison in Louisiana
By Michael Harrelson, editor,
Mississippi publisher and writer Neil White is the latest addition to the roster of bloggers.
White, the founder of Oxford, Mississippi’s, Nautilus Publishing Co., is the author of In the Sanctuary of Outcasts (Morrow/HarperCollins), a memoir that author John Grisham described as “a remarkable story about a young man’s loss of everything he deemed important.”
Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Owen Butler added, “At once surreal and grittily naturalistic, funny and poignant, White’s tale is fascinating and full of universal resonance.”
In 2010, the Southern Library Association named White Outstanding Author of the Year. Barnes & Noble has honored White as one of the top three emerging nonfiction authors in America through their “Discover Great New Writers” program.
His first blog post, “When Hollywood Calls” details his time as an inmate at a federal prison in Carville, Louisiana, which also housed the last leper (Hansen’s disease) colony in the United States, and subsequent efforts to sell the work to a Hollywood film studio.
White lives in Oxford, Mississippi, with his wife, Debbie Bell, an Ole Miss law professor. He has two children, Maggie, a recent college graduate, and a son, Neil White IV.