Max D. Hipp Industrial Park Certified as AT&T Fiber Ready

On Monday, March 21, the president of AT&T Mississippi will be joined by the Mayor Pat Patterson and Jeff Busby, each representing the City of Oxford and Lafayette Board of Supervisors, as well as Jon Maynard, CEO of Oxford-Lafayette Economic Development Foundation to announce that the Max D. Hipp Industrial Park has been certified as AT&T Fiber Ready.

This park, located on County Road 166, could draw economic development leaders to consider the site for their communities based on its soon-to-arrive availability of high-speed, fiber-based services.

Mayo Flynt
Mayo Flynt

President of AT&T Mississippi, Mayo Flynt said, “AT&T is investing in high-speed Internet in urban and rural areas all across Mississippi using the latest wired and wireless technologies, and we are proud to highlight the Max D. Hipp Industrial Park as one of the many places in Mississippi where AT&T’s fiber infrastructure is in place and ready to help community leaders drive job creation. Positive, pro-business policies embraced by elected officials continue to make our state a great place to invest, and I’m proud of the work our AT&T Mississippi employees have done deploying fiber and other infrastructure that delivers high-speed Internet access. Their hard work and skills, combined with millions of dollars in AT&T investment, enable Mississippians to connect and innovate.”

Oxford mayor, Pat Patterson
Oxford mayor, Pat Patterson

Oxford’s mayor, Pat Patterson, sees potential of companies having yet another reason to select Oxford.

Patterson said, “Oxford is sending a clear message that our area is connected. We’re deploying leading edge technology to provide market advantages to area businesses. The AT&T Fiber Ready certification allows us to confidently tell companies looking to locate or expand in Oxford that they can check the important high-speed connectivity box.”

Sen. Gray Tollison
Sen. Gray Tollison

Senator Gray Tollison, who represents District Nine in Mississippi Senate, says the installation of fiber-net could put Mississippi on the map for economic development.

Tollison said, “Our resources in Mississippi are extensive, but if potential investors aren’t aware of the tech infrastructure in place, then we face the potential of missing opportunities. The AT&T Fiber Ready certification helps us tout the existence of our fiber infrastructure and eliminate those missed opportunities. The AT&T Fiber Ready designation is a great economic development tool for us to have.”

The Lafayette Board of Supervisors’ president, Jeff Busby, appreciates the leadership on tech innovation that could lead to job growth in the area.

Busby said, “The Board of Supervisors works hard to do our part to ensure Lafayette County is headed in the right direction economically, and we appreciate the leadership of our legislators, who are doing their part in Jackson. Our focus on creating a healthy business environment and AT&T’s commitment to help drive economic development are vital to our work growing opportunities in Mississippi.”

Jon Maynard
Jon Maynard

President and CEO of Oxford-Lafayette Economic Development Foundation, Jon Maynard, agreed that the fiber-net could help the Oxford-Lafayette area pitch to companies that they could conduct business globally.

Maynard said, “Fiber is a key component to infrastructure preparedness, and the AT&T Fiber Ready designation helps publicize the Max D. Hipp Industrial Park as ready for further advanced development. We can assure companies looking to locate and expand in this area that this park can provide the high-speed connectivity they require to do business globally, right here from Lafayette County.”

Patterson, Busby and Maynard will join Flynt at the Max D. Hipp Industrial Park at 10 a.m. on Monday, March 21, to formally announce its certification for fiber-net.

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