Top 10 Themes For Ole Miss Greek Functions

The best part about Greek life is experiencing the excitement that comes with dressing out for themed functions. Some may find it stressful scrambling together the perfect outfit; however, it’s totally worth it when one can use some creativity to let his or her inner self shine through. Here is a list of our favorite themes for the Greeks at Ole Miss! 

“My Tie”

college themes
“My Tie” is a super fun, flirty date-party theme. Typically, your friends set you up on a blind date and have you wear your date’s tie to the party. Once you arrive, your date will only recognize you by his tie. Who better to set you up on a blind date than your besties? #BlindDatesCanBeFun #ThatsMyTie


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Let’s be real. Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears totally set the stage for the “Jocial” scene. Some people may knock an all denim attire, but don’t knock it until you try it. #CanadianTuxedo #AllDenimEverything

“Tacky Wedding”

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Picture Courtesy: Ole Miss Phi Delt Facebook

This theme allows you to ask your mom to whip out all of her ’80s-themed bridesmaid dresses and thrive. When else will these dresses be worn again? Honestly, our future kids will probably do the same with ours; therefore, enjoy it and flaunt those puffy sleeves. #PuffySleevesForTheWin #HeadPiecesAreTheBest

“Duck Calls and Overalls”

college theme
It is time to let your Redneck flag fly high. With Ole Miss being an SEC school, it is not hard to find the country loving people. Whip out the duck calls and overalls and talk super Southern for the night. You won’t regret it. #RedneckLife #SouthernLifestyle

“Draft-A- Date”

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This is the best “date-dash” theme. What better theme than “Draft-A-Date” for an unexpected last-minute date for the function. All you have to do is throw on a jersey and claim a date. Honestly, if you don’t have a jersey hanging in your closet at college, then you’re not doing it right. #JerseyReady

“Outta This World”

college theme
This theme is definitely underrated. Most people would be annoyed with an alien-themed function, but quite honestly, it is super fun to dress out for. Plus, there are plenty of two-piece outfits out there to prep you for the party. #DressOuttaThisWorld


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Anything America is always a good time. God Bless America. Am I right? America-themed parties are always easy, super patriotic and extremely enjoyable. #USA


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Let’s be real. We all share that same desire as Nickelback in that we all want to be rockstars. Be “great like Elvis without the tassels” for a night and let your inner rocker shine. #IWannaBeARockstar


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Everyone has a little wild streak they’re dying to give in to. Therefore, just for the night, wear the fake tattoo sleeves and black combat boots. This theme allows you to be that person you’ve always deep down wanted to be for at least one night. #BlackLeatherEverything #TatsOnTatsOnTats

“Dynamic Duo”

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Last, but certainly not least, is the “Dynamic Duo”-themed function. Whether you are assigned your partner or you pick your own, just be sure to be super creative like Flo and Mayhem (pictured above). #UtterMayhem #PerfectPair

Chandler Tillman is a social media intern for She can be reached at
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