25 Thoughts That Every Ole Miss Student Has During Exam Week

During finals week, every student is a little on edge.  The finals will determine if they sink or sail.  Therefore, every student has a million and one different panicking thoughts streaming through their head throughout the week. Here is a list of 25 panicking thoughts that go through students stressed out heads during finals week.



Yes, this happens, so if you did not prepare the week before by already purchasing all of your necessary scantrons, take note of it this time. Once, you have taken a mental note, ask a friend because they more than likely have extras or stop by all of the off-campus bookstores, because they more than likely will carry the scantrons as well. 

  1. Why did my teacher not post a study guide?

I agree, this is equivalent to getting coal in your stocking, but it is what it is and just make extra time for that particular class when you go to study for the final. Look back on all the notes, homework assignments, etc. from throughout the semester.

  1. I am going to fail!

The odds are, you probably will not fail. Just be sure to put in those days, hours, minutes, seconds into the preparation work for this final and you should be okay.

  1. I think I am going to drop out! 

Let’s be honest; we have all considered this at one point or another during college, especially during finals week.  However, let’s not be hasty in making decisions and stick it out, because sometimes our grades will surprise us.

  1. What do I need to make on this final to pass this class?

CHECK CHECK CHECK your syllabus and see just how weighted this final is in your overall grade.  Only do this if this will give you a peace of mind rather than a heart attack.  However, sometimes it is nice to know that you only need to score a 50 on the final to pass the class. 

  1. What is the school’s forgiveness policy?

Now let’s not be dramatic, but in case you were wondering, you can have up to four 3 hour forgiveness credits with the University of Mississippi. #ThingsEveryStudentShouldKnow

  1. Is there a test bank?

DO NOT USE TEST BANKS TO CHEAT, but as an aid in studying for the final. Honestly, you should check with friends who have taken that course in the past with different teachers to quiz yourself on questions that you did not think of that could be on the final. Be sure to use all resources available to you while studying for your finals. Do not make this process harder than it already is for you. 

  1. Procrastination is my middle name

Everyone has said this line before, and if you have not, then who are you? We all procrastinate during finals week, we are human and we do not want to intentionally put ourselves through the pain of studying for finals.

  1. Wow, I have slept a total of 4 hours in the past three days

This is probably one of the worst feelings you’ll feel while struggling to survive finals week.  On the bright side, you are about to have a very long break away from school with plenty of time to catch up on the sleep that you lost during this week. #SleepDeprivationIsTheWORST

  1. I should have started studying for this a long time ago

That thought is probably very accurate, but hey procrastination is your middle name. Don’t freak out and just use whatever time you have left to prepare to prepare for the final.

  1. Did I remember to schedule my test?

This thought may not apply to everyone, but for those of you who take online classes know what I am talking about on this panicking thought. Hopefully, you have scheduled your proctored test but if not, just contact the registrar ASAP!

  1. I wonder what I have in my pantry…

If you do not already have your study snacks bought and prepared, then get up and go to the grocery store right now! Food feeds the brain!

  1. OMG, it is 3 AM?!

Honestly, I hate when this happens. You have been grinding for so long and then look up at the clock and realize your test is in 5 hours. Do not panic, but maybe go to bed. Sleep is important, so whether you get 2 hours or 10 hours of sleep, get some rest.

  1. Will I ever make it to the gym again?

This week? Probably not, but it is okay. The treadmill will still be there waiting for you next week.  However, if exercise will help relieve your stress, then take a study break and hit the gym.

  1. I thought people said college was fun.

They did, and it is.  Finals week is the worst week of every semester, but this week does not define your college career.

  1. When is the last time I showered?

I am not going to lie; that is gross.  However, if there is any week to get away with not showering, finals week is that week.

  1. The final is cumulative?

Ugh, I hate when teachers feel the need to retest you on everything you were tested on in this class.  However, you have been tested on it before, so just review and kill it on the final.

  1. Ugh, I cannot find a spot in the library…AGAIN

Everyone knows the library is PACKED during finals week.  Therefore, if you plan on studying at the library then plan accordingly on what time you need to be there to reserve your table for the day.

  1. I think this is my fifth coffee today

This week is the perfect week to go coffee crazy, so jump in line at Starbucks and order that Venti coffee, on flex of course! 

  1. When is the last time I ate a real meal?

Probably four days ago, but as long as you have your study snacks, you will survive.  Obviously, it would not hurt to eat a decent meal, but if it does not work out, just be sure to eat something.  Food gives you the energy to learn, just remember that!

  1. I wonder if the teacher will curve this final

More than likely they will not because there will always be that one kid that got a 105 on the final.  Therefore, expect that there will be no curve and then if the teacher does curve it, it will be one of the best Christmas presents ever.

  1. I am probably going to fall asleep during the final

Right now, you feel that way, but when you are actually in the moment, every last bit of energy you have will keep you going.  Just do not forget to get SOME sleep and eat SOMETHING before taking your test.

  1. I really want to watch Christmas movies instead of study

This is why DVR exists.  Record the movies now and then watch them later.  I know this is not ideal, but you have to put in the work to reward yourself in the end.

  1. OMG, I still have not packed for Christmas break

BREATHE, it is okay.  Pack throughout the week if you can, but if not, just be sure to pack before your last test because your brain will be ready for a vacation once all of your finals are completed.

  1. Thank goodness it is FINALLY Christmas

The last and best thought you will think at the end of finals.  As soon as you fill in that last bubble or underline your final answer, you will subconsciously think this exact thought in your head.  Just wait, you will see.

Chandler Tillman is a social media intern for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at cgtillma@go.olemiss.edu.

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