Unified Sports Gives Madison Dennis Chance To Shine


She hits the field tearing flags from the opponent’s belt, but that’s not all she does. Madison Dennis is her name, and she will amaze anyone that she encounters.

Dennis is from Tupelo, Mississippi, and she is just like any other teenage girl. Her favorite color is pink, and she is in love with the hit show, “The Bachelor.”

Dennis comes from a loving home. She has a twin sister, Morgan, and they are inseparable, though they do have their sisterly arguments. Active in her church youth group, her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16 and she loves the taste of Mexican food.

But, there is something special about Dennis that makes her a stand-out teen. She displays true grit for any teen girl. She is driven and she will not let anything stop her.

She is different. She has no physical disabilities, but she has autism. Dennis learns most of her skills from social settings, but she doesn’t let her disability stop her from accomplishing anything.

Sports has always been a part of her life. Competing both with and against her sister, the two both played soccer and softball growing up. Dennis also plays basketball and will be playing unified soccer this year.

Her father, Bob, said, “We love her playing unified sports. We actually encouraged her to participate.”

With her family being her biggest fans and pumping her up before all of her games, Dennis has been on Ole Miss’ unified Egg Bowl flag football team for the last two years.

Her passion for sports and overcoming any obstacle in life has inspired many.

By Deandria Turner, an intern for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at dtturne2@go.olemiss.edu.