The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) is moving forward as scheduled with a project to widen Highway 7 from Belk Boulevard in the city of Oxford to the Highway 7/9W split in Lafayette County.
“MDOT has been committed to the right-of-way and design phases of this project from the very beginning,” said Transportation Commissioner Mike Tagert. “Both of these phases are currently underway and moving forward as scheduled.”
MDOT is in the process of buying necessary rights-of-way, and utility relocation is currently underway. A timeframe for the construction phase of this project has not been determined due to funding limitations.
“MDOT is committed to seeing this project through because it will enhance local growth and economic development,” said Tagert. “However, we have to plan the different phases of a project based on the availability of funding for those phases.”
MDOT continues to work with local officials to ensure the phases of the project are moving along in a timely, cost-effective manner.
For more information about this project, visit MDOT’s transparency website at www.GoMDOT.com.