Oxford School District officials unveiled their new gym at the months-old Oxford High School on Thursday.
The Gym was the last of the major construction items at the new facility to be completed and now the Chargers sports teams will be able to compete at home in their own complex.
Here are some facts on the new gym:
• Total square footage of new gym is more than 41,000 total square feet
• The first floor is 26,850 square feet with 13,544 total square feet on the second floor.
• It seats 1,639 people.
• The second floor of the gym area features an indoor track (1 lap equals 1/10 of a mile).
• OHS athletic teams who will use the new gym include the volleyball team, boy’s and girl’s basketball, powerlifting, dance and cheer. High School physical education classes will also use the new gym.
Top photo and information courtesy of Oxford School District.